Hearing Care
Hearing Evaluation
A hearing evaluation involves a variety of tests to assess your hearing abilities. Your audiologist will complete the following during your visit: case history, otoscopy, tympanometry, pure tone testing, speech testing, and a cognitive screener. After the evaluation, Dr. Guerra will discuss the results with you, explain any hearing loss, demonstrate hearing aids if warranted, and recommend appropriate treatment, such as hearing aids, listening devices, or medical referrals if necessary. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions or address any concerns regarding your hearing health.
Hearing Aid Check
For current hearing aid users, hearing aid checks allow for your audiologist to assess the functionality and performance of your hearing aids. At this appointment, Dr. Guerra will be able to clean your hearing aids, check your settings, and recheck your hearing as needed. Hearing aid checks provide an opportunity for you to discuss any challenges or concerns you have with your hearing aids and allows the audiologist to ensure that your devices are functioning properly to meet your hearing needs. Hearing aid checks are available to all patients regardless of where they purchased there hearing aids for a fixed appointment fee.
Wax Removal
Excess earwax, also known as cerumen, can be troublesome to your hearing, causing ear pain, difficulty hearing, or a sensation of fullness in the ear. Attempting to remove earwax at home can be dangerous and potentially lead to serious complications, such as ear canal damage, perforation of the eardrum, or infection. Wax removal can be performed in several ways. Your clinician will assess and determine the best and safest way to accomplish the task. Depending on the location and amount of wax in the ear, your clinician will utilize either instrumentation or the OtoSet® irrigation system to clean your ears.
Dr. Jessica Guerra
Dr. Jessica Guerra is a clinical audiologist who has worked with Keller Eye Care since 2022. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Baylor University and her Doctor of Audiology from the Pacific. The state of Texas licenses her to practice audiology and dispense hearing aids.
Before joining Keller Eye Care, Dr. Guerra worked at Kaiser Permanente Walnut Creek, where she also completed her clinical externship, focusing on cochlear implants and hearing aids.
In her free time, Dr. Guerra enjoys supporting the Baylor Bears, especially during football season, and traveling with her husband and son.